14th Annual Stuart Kinard Memorial DWI Defense Project “Cutting Edge Techniques for 2018” Speaker.
Stuart Kinard Memorial Advanced DWI Seminar.
Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association; San Antonio, Texas; November 1-2, 2018

11th Annual DWI Defense Project “Cutting Edge Techniques for 2018” Course Director.
Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association; Grapevine, Texas; May 4, 2018

10th Annual DWI Defense Project “There will be Blood” Course Director.
Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association; Grapevine, Texas; May 5, 2017

“ALR Issues and New Occupational License Issues” Speaker.
Stuart Kinard Memorial Advanced DWI Seminar.
Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association; San Antonio, Texas; November 3, 2016

DWI Defense Project “Defending the Citizen Accused from the Wrath of M.A.D.D.” Course Director.
Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association; Arlington, Texas; May 6, 2016

“ALR Issues from Requesting the Hearing, Appealing, and Getting the Occupational Drivers License” Speaker.
Stuart Kinard Memorial Advanced DWI Seminar.
Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association; San Antonio, Texas; November 12, 2015

“Winning with a Bad Hand” Course Director and Speaker.
Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association; Arlington, Texas; May 1, 2015

“What the State Bar does for You/Non-refundable Flat Fees” Speaker.
Dallas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association; Grand Prairie, Texas; June 27, 2014

“DWI: The Future” Co-Director and Speaker.
Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association; Arlington, Texas; May 2, 2014

“Top Gun DWI” Speaker.
Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association; Houston, Texas; August 23, 2013

“More Silver Bullets: Twelve O’Clock, High, and a DWI” Course Co-Director; Speaker.
DWI Defense Project Seminar; Dallas, Texas; May 3, 2013

“DWI: Ethics of Fee Agreements & ALR/DWI Case Law Update” Speaker.
Sponsored by Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association at the 5th Annual Jolly Roger Criminal Law Seminar; Denton, Texas December 2012

“Silver Bullets: Linking Voir Dire to Final Argument” Course Co-Director; Speaker.
DWI Defense Project Seminar; Dallas, Texas; May 3-4, 2012

“ALR and DWI Update: Significant Recent Decisions and Emerging (Disturbing?) Trends” Speaker.
Advanced Criminal Law Course and Criminal Law 101; Houston, Texas; July 18-21, 2011

“What You Must Know to Win DWI Defense” Course Chairman; Speaker.
Co-Sponsored by David Burrows and Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association at the
DWI Defense Project Seminar; Dallas, Texas; May 6, 2011

“ALR” Sponsored by Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association at the Stuart Kinard
Advanced DWI Seminar; San Antonio, Texas; November 18-19, 2010

“Survivor Trial Tactics” Sponsored by Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association;
South Padre Island, July 9, 2010

“ALR: Your Opportunity to Develop the Facts” Course Chairman; Speaker.
Co-Sponsored by David Burrows and Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association at the
DWI Defense Project Seminar; Dallas, Texas; May 7, 2010

“DWI & ALR Update” Sponsored by the Criminal Defense Lawyers Project at their Survivor Trial Tactics Seminar; McKinney, Texas; April 23, 2010

“Recent Developments in ALR and DWI Law” Sponsored by the Criminal Defense Lawyers Project at their Survivor Trial Tactics seminar; Longview, Texas; December 11, 2009

“Recent Developments in ALR and DWI Law” Sponsored by the Criminal Defense Lawyers Project at their Survivor Trial Tactics seminar; Granbury, Texas; November 20, 2009

“ALR: The Key to Obtaining Evidence for a Blood Test Case & Update on New ALR Regulations” Sponsored by The Dallas Bar Associatin and Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association; May 8, 2009; Dallas, Texas

“The Lessons of Mata: Applying Retrograde Extrapolation” Sponsored by The State Bar of Texas at the 34th Annual Advanced Criminal Law Course and Criminal Law Boot Camp; July 28-31, 2008; San Antonio, Texas

“Winning Edge: Trial Tactics to Win a DWI Breath Test Case” Co-Course Director with David Burrows, jointly-sponsored by CAIL and TCDLA; February 8, 2008; Plano, Texas.

“Stuart Kinard Memorial Advanced DWI Seminar” Sponsored by TCDLA; November 2-3, 2007; San Antonio, Texas.

“New DWI and ALR Cases” Jointly-sponsored by Criminal Law Section Dallas Bar Association and TCDLA; October 25, 2007; Dallas, Texas.

“ALR Update” Sponsored by Lorman Business Center, Inc. at their “Strategies in Handling DWI & DUI Cases” in Texas Seminar; February 7, 2007; Dallas, Texas

“Trial Tactics to Win a DWI Breath Test Case” Course Director, Sponsored by The Center for American and International Law; January 26, 2007; Plano, Texas

“ALR Hearings – An Update” Sponsored by the Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association at their DWI Seminar; August 25, 2006, Sherman, Texas

“ALR Hearings – New Laws” Sponsored by the Dallas Bar Association Criminal Law Section at their Summer CLE Event; August 18, 2006; Dallas, Texas

“A Basic Strategy For Winning ALR Hearings” and “ALR Update” Sponsored by Lorman Business Center, Inc. at their Strategies In Handling DWI & DUI Cases In Texas Seminar; November 19, 2004; Houston, Texas

“Administrative License Revocation” Sponsored by the Lubbock Criminal Defense Lawyers Association at their Annual CLE Seminar; February 22, 2003; Lubbock, Texas

“Administrative License Revocation” Sponsored by the Criminal Defense Lawyers Project at their “A Day in the Life of a Texas Criminal Defense Lawyer” Seminar; February 7, 2003; Waco, Texas

“ALR Update” Sponsored by the Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association at their DWI Trial Notebook/2002 Conference; April 11-12, 2002; Arlington, Texas

“ALR” Sponsored by the Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association at their DWI Trial Notebook/2001 Conference; January 17-19, 2001; Austin, Texas

“ALR Update” Sponsored by Lorman Business Center, Inc. at their Strategies in Handling DWI & DUI Cases in Texas Seminar; October 26, 2000; Dallas, Texas

“ALR Strategies” Sponsored by Texas Courtroom Publications at their America’s Best-2000: The DWI Trial/”Accent on Persuasion” Seminar; April 8, 2000; Austin, Texas

“ALR: DWI Pretrial” Sponsored by the Denton County Criminal Defense Lawyers Association at their monthly membership meeting; January 20, 2000; Denton, Texas

“Punishment Considerations in DWI” Sponsored by the Criminal Defense Lawyers Project at their Punishment: The Forgotten Phase of the Trial Seminar; December 9-10, 1999; Fort Worth, Texas

“Legislative Update” Sponsored by the Dallas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association at their monthly membership meeting; July 16, 1999; Dallas, Texas

“ALR Hearings (Tarrant and Dallas)” Co-Sponsored by the Dallas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association and Tarrant County Criminal Defense Lawyers Association at the Winter Seminar DWI Specialty Program; February 5-8, 1998; Durango, Colorado

“Using ALR to Prepare for Your DWI Trial” Sponsored by the Criminal Defense Lawyers Project at their Skills Course; August 22, 1997; Houston, Texas

“Winning ALR Strategies” Sponsored by Texas Courtroom Publications at the DWI and ALR: Taking the Battle to Them!!! Seminar; February 14, 1997; Fort Worth, Texas

“Administrative License Revocation” Sponsored by Lorman Business Center, Inc. at their Strategies in Handling DWI Cases in Texas Seminar; October 4, 1996; Dallas, Texas

“Administrative License Revocation” Sponsored by the Mexican American Bar Association of Texas at their Renacimiento Seminar on September 21-22, 1995; Dallas, Texas

“Pre-Trial Motions” a segment of the Trial Preparation Fall Seminar, Sponsored by the Dallas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association; October 21, 1994; Dallas, Texas

“Attorney Advertising” Sponsored by North Dallas Bar Association; March 10, 1994; Dallas, Texas

“Ethics and the Constitutional Defense Lawyer” Sponsored by the Criminal Defense Lawyers Project; October 21, 1993; South Padre Island, Texas

“Procedural Nuts and Bolts of Batson” Sponsored by the Dallas County Public Defenders Office; August 26, 1993; Dallas, Texas

“New Developments” Sponsored by Greater Oak Cliff Bar Association; April 30, 1992; Dallas, Texas

“Breath Test Refusal Hearings” sponsored by Greater Oak Cliff Bar Association; April 29, 1991; Dallas, Texas