DWI 3rdPlaced on probation
VPO probation ViolationState’s Motion to Revoke Probation was withdrawn, and client was continued on probation
ASS/FV Imped BreathReduced to a Class A Misdemeanor and placed on Deferred Probation
Burglar BuildingPlaced on Deferred Probation
Felony AssaultDismissed
Agg Assault w/DWDismissed
Agg Assault w/DWReduced to a Class B Misdemeanor and placed on Deferred Probation
DWI 3rdPlaced on probation
UPF FelonPlaced on Deferred Probation
Sex A-V ChildReduced to Injury to Child and placed on Deferred Probation
DWIReduced to an Obstruction of Roadway
DWI .15Placed on Deferred Probation
Tampering w/IDConditional Dismissal
Assault FVAccepted into the Pretrial Diversion Program and case was dismissed
DWIPlaced on Deferred Probation
Assault FVConditional Dismissal
DWIPlaced on Deferred Probation
DWIReduced to an Obstruction of Roadway
DWIPlaced on Deferred Probation
DWI 2NDReduced to an Obstruction of Roadway
DWI .15Reduced to a Class B Misdemeanor and placed on Deferred Probation
DWI .15Reduced to a Class B Misdemeanor
DWI .15Reduced to a Class B Misdemeanor and placed on Deferred Probation
DWI .15Reduced to a Class B Misdemeanor and placed on Deferred Probation
DWI P/VState’s Motion to Revoke Probation was withdrawn, and client was continued on probation
DWIReduced to an Obstruction of Roadway and placed on Deferred Probation
DWIPlaced on Deferred Probation
Resisting ArrestDismissed
DWIMotion to Suppress Granted and case was Dismissed