Date of PleaChargeResult
8-04-23DWI 3rdDismissed
8-10-23UCW Prohibited PlaceReduced to Misdemeanor
8-10-23Prostitute/Solicit/Other PayerConditional Dismissal
8-11-23Assault FV Household MemberCase was rejected by District Attorney’s Office
8-11-23RobberyCase was rejected by District Attorney’s Office
8-15-23FSRAReduced to a Misdemeanor and placed on Deferred Probation
8-21-23Assault Body InjuryEntered the Pretrial Diversion Program and case was Dismissed
8-28-23PCS Pg2<1gCase was rejected by the District Attorney’s Office
8-28-23Poss of Prohibited WeaponCase was rejected by the District Attorney’s Office
8-31-23Engage in Org CrimeCase was rejected by the District Attorney’s Office
8-01-23DWI .15Reduced to a Class B and placed on Deferred Probation
8-02-23DWIReduced to an Obstruction of Roadway and placed on Deferred Probation
8-03-23DWI 2ndReduced to a Class B
8-03-23DWI .15Reduced to a Class B and placed on Deferred Probation
8-07-23UCWEntered the Pretrial Intervention Program and case was Dismissed
8-09-23DWIPlaced on Deferred Probation
8-09-23DWIPlaced on Deferred Probation
8-17-23Assault FVCase was rejected by the District Attorney’s Office
8-18-23Poss MJCase was reduced to a Class C
8-18-23UCWCase was Dismissed
8-18-23DWICase was rejected by the District Attorney’s Office
8-18-23Criminal MischiefCase was rejected by the District Attorney’s Office
8-18-23UCWCase was rejected by the District Attorney’s Office
8-23-23Interfere w/Emg 911 CallDismissed
8-29-23Discharge FirearmEntered the Pretrial Diversion Program and case Dismissed
8-30-23DWI .15Reduced to a Class B
8-22-23Fail IDEntered the Pretrial Diversion Program and case Dismissed