Poss MarijuanaDismissed
DWIPlaced on Deferred Probation
Theft $100<$750Dismissed
Aggravated RobberyPlaced on Deferred Probation
PCSPlaced on Deferred Probation
DWIPlaced on Deferred Probation
DWI 2ndPlaced on Deferred Probation
Poss MarijuanaPlaced on Deferred Probation
PCSReduced to a Misdemeanor
DWIReduced to an Obstruction of a Roadway
Assault/FV EnhancedAccepted into the Pretrial Diversion Program and case was dismissed
Assault Class CDismissed
Disorderly ConductPlaced on Deferred Probation
AA w/DWNo Billed
Assault FV Impede BreathPlaced on Deferred Probation
Burglary of HabitationPlaced on Deferred Probation
Assault FVReduced to a Class C
DWIReduced to an Obstruction of a Roadway
DWI 2ndReduced to an Obstruction of a Roadway
Poss MarijuanaCase was rejected by the District Attorney’s Office
Injury to ChildDismissed