July 2022
PCS Accepted into the Pretrial Diversion Program and case was dismissed
Felony Evade Arrest Reduced to a Class A Misdemeanor
UCW Prohibited Accepted into the AIM program and was dismissed
Prohibited Weapon Reduced to a Misdemeanor
Delivery of Marijuana
1/4oz<5 lbs P/V State’s motion to revoke probation was withdrawn and
Defendant was continued on probation
Aggravated Assault w/DW Placed on Deferred Probation
DWI 3rd Reduced to a Misdemeanor
Evade Arrest Reduced to a Misdemeanor
Assault FV Conditional Dismissal
DWI Placed on Deferred Probation
Poss Marijuana Conditional Dismissal
Assault FV Reduced to a Class C
UCW Case was rejected by the District Attorney’s Office
Poss Marijuana Conditional Dismissal
Assault FV Dismissal
DWI .15 Reduced to a Class B Misdemeanor
DWI .15 Reduced to a Class B Misdemeanor
DWI p/v State’s Motion to revoke probation was withdrawn and Defendant was continued on probation
VIP Placed on Deferred Probation
Assault Causing Bodily Injury Dismissed
DWI Placed on Deferred Probation
DWI Reduced to an Obstruction of Roadway
Assault Causing Bodily Injury Conditional Dismissal
DWI .15 Reduced to a Class B Misdemeanor
DWI 2nd Reduced to a Class B Misdemeanor
Theft of Property Conditional Dismissal
Theft of Property Conditional Dismissal
DWI Open Container Placed on Deferred Probation
DWI Placed on Deferred Probation
Evade Arrest Dismissed
DWI .15 Reduced to a Class B Misdemeanor
DWI .15 Reduced to an Obstruction of Roadway

June 2022
DWI .15 Reduced to a Class B Misdemeanor and placed on Deferred probation
Poss Marijuana Case was rejected by the District Attorney’s Office
Theft Dismissed
AA w/DW Placed on Deferred probation
Assault FV Dismissed
Poss Marijuana Reduced to a Class C
Interfere w/911 Call Reduced to a Class C
DWI .15 Reduced to a Class B Misdemeanor and placed on Deferred Probation
DWI .15 Reduced a Class B Misdemeanor and placed on Deferred Probation
DWI 3RD probation Viol. Motion to revoke probation was withdrawn and defendant was continued on probation
DWI .15 Reduced to a Class B Misdemeanor and placed on Deferred Probation
DWI Placed on Deferred Probation
UCW Dismissed
Assault Case was rejected by the District Attorney’s Office
Tampering w/Physical Evidence Case was NO BILLED By the Grand Jury
Continued Family Violence Case was reduced to a Misdemeanor and placed on Deferred Probation
PCS Accepted into the Pretrial Diversion Program and case was dismissed
Criminal Mischief Conditional Dismissal
Criminal Mischief Dismissed
DWI .15 Reduced to a Class B Misdemeanor

September 2021
DWI .15 Deferred Probation
DWI 2nd Reduced to Class B Misdemeanor
DWI Deferred Probation
DWI 2nd Reduced to a Class B Misdemeanor
DWI .15 Reduced to a Class B Misdemeanor
DWI .15 Reduced to a Class B Misdemeanor

August 2021
DWI .24 Blood Reduced to a Class B Misdemeanor
DWI .15 Motion for Speedy Trial Granted Case Dismissed
DWI Reduced to an Obstruction of Roadway
DWI 2nd Reduced to a DWI First
DWI .17 Blood Reduced to an Obstruction of Roadway
DWI Reduced to an Obstruction of Roadway
DWI 2nd Dismissed
DWI .15 Reduced to a Class B Misdemeanor
DWI Trial Before the Judge and found Not Guilty
DWI .18 Blood Deferred Probation

April 2021
DWI Deferred Probation
Violation of Protective Order Probation Violation Defendant continued on probation
Theft Property Dismissed
Assault Family Violence  Dismissed
Assault Family Violence  Dismissed
Assault Cause Bodily Injury Dismissed
Harassment of Public Servant No billed
Assault/Family Violence Conditional Dismissal
Assault of Pregnant Person Reduced to a Class C
Aggravated Assault w/ deadly weapon Reduced to a Misdemeanor
Aggravated Assault w/ deadly weapon Returned as a Misdemeanor at the Grand Jury
Aggravated Assault w/ deadly weapon Declined Prosecution
Aggravated Assault w/ deadly weapon Declined Prosecution
Aggravated Assault w/ deadly weapon Declined Prosecution
Possession of Controlled Substance Conditional Dismissal
Possession of Marijuana Reduced to a Class C
Possession Dangerous Drug Deferred Probation
Possession of Marijuana Conditional Dismissal
Possession of Marijuana Reduced to a Class C

March 2021
DWI Reduced to an Obstruction of Roadway
Class A DWI 2nd Reduced to a Misdemeanor Class B
Class A DWI 2nd Reduced to a Misdemeanor Class B
DWI Dismissed Motion for Speedy Trial Granted
DWI .15 Blood Deferred Probation
DWI 2nd Reduced to an Obstruction of Roadway
DWI .15 Dismissed Motion for Speedy Trial Granted

February 2021
Class A DWI 2nd .14 Blood Reduced to a Misdemeanor Class B
DWI 3rd (This was his 4th DWI) Probation
Class A DWI 2nd .26 Blood Reduced to a Misdemeanor Class B
DWI 3rd State recommended 5 years in TDC Had an Open Plea Hearing and the Judge granted probation
DWI Completed VET program and Case was dismissed
Felony DWI 3rd Reduced to a Misdemeanor