11-01-22Assault House Member Breath/CirculationReduced to a Class C
11-03-22PCS probation ViolationMotion to Revoke Probation was Withdrawn and Client was continued on probation
11-09-22Assault FVCase was Rejected by the District Attorney’s Office
11-09-22PCSCase was Rejected by the District Attorney’s Office
11-10-22PCSCase was Rejected by the District Attorney’s Office
11-11-22AA w/DWConditional Dismissal
11-14-22Sex A-V Child probation ViolationMotion to Revoke Probation was Withdrawn and Client was continued on probation
11-15-22Assault FV Impede BreathPlaced on Deferred Probation
11-22-22Felony TheftNo Bill
11-28-22Assault on Public ServantDismissed
11-17-22PCSCase was Rejected by the District Attorney’s Office
11-30-22AA w/DWNo Bill
11-02-22UCWPlaced on Deferred Probation
11-03-22DWIReduced to an Obstruction of Roadway
11-03-22DWI 2ndReduced to a Class B
11-04-22UCWReduced to a Class C
11-07-22DWIPlaced on Deferred Probation
11-08-22Poss MJCase was Rejected by the District Attorney’s Office
11-08-22FLIDCase Rejected by the District Attorney’s Office
11-16-22DWI .15Placed on Deferred
11-17-22DWIReduced to an Obstruction of Roadway
11-17-22TheftAccepted into the Pretrial Diversion Program and case was Dismissed
11-22-22UCWAccepted into the Pretrial Diversion Program and case was Dismissed
11-21-22Assault FVConditional Dismissal
11-29-22DWI .15Reduced to a Class B
11-29-22TheftAccepted into the Pretrial Diversion Program and case was Dismissed
11-30-22DWIMotion to Suppress was Granted and case was Dismissed
11-30-22DWIPlaced on Deferred Probation