DWI Cases and Results Dallas, Texas

DWI w/Child Reduced to a Misdemeanor
DWI Placed on Deferred probation
DWI 2nd Reduced to a class B Misdemeanor
DWI Placed on Deferred Probation
DWI Reduced to an Obstruction of Roadway and placed on Deferred Probation
DWI .15 Reduced to a Class B Misdemeanor and placed on Deferred Probation
DWI Dismissed

Assault and Family Violence Cases and Results in Texas

Collision Involving SB No Bill
Assault Family Violence Elderly Reduced to a Misdemeanor and placed on Deferred Probation
Assault Family Violence Impede Breath Entered and completed Pretrial Intervention Program and case was Dismissed
Aggravated Assault w/Deadly Weapon Reduced to a class C
Assault Family Violence Impede Breath Reduced to a Misdemeanor and placed on Deferred Probation

Drug Charge Results of Our Drug Crime Lawyers

Possession of Controlled Substance Reduced to a Class B Misdemeanor and placed on Deferred Probation
Possession of Controlled Substance Entered and completed the Pretrial Intervention Program and case was Dismissed
Possession of Controlled Substance Reduced to a Misdemeanor
Possession of Controlled Substance Entered and completed Pretrial Diversion Program and case was Dismissed
Possession of Controlled Substance Reduced to a Misdemeanor
Possession of Controlled Substance Completed AIM program and case was Dismissed
Possession of Marijuana – Drug Crime Case was rejected by the District Attorney’s Office

Sex Crimes, Theft, Fraud Cases & Results in Texas

Sex A-V Child probation Violation State’s Motion to Revoke Program was withdrawn, and client was continued on probation

Theft Property Entered and completed the Pretrial Diversion Program and case was Dismissed
Theft Entered and completed the Pretrial Diversion Program and case was Dismissed

False Alarm Entered and completed Pretrial Diversion Program and case was Dismissed