DWI Criminal Defense Cases and Results Dallas, Texas

DWI Placed on Deferred Probation
DWI Placed on Deferred Probation
DWI Placed on Deferred Probation

Assault and Family Violence Cases and Results in Texas

Cruelty Non-Livestock Placed on Deferred Probation
Cruelty Non-Livestock Placed on Deferred Probation
Cruelty Non-Livestock Dismissed
Cruelty Non-Livestock Dismissed
Assault FV Dismissed
Assault FV Reduced to a Class C and placed on Deferred Probation
Assault FV Conditional Dismissal
Assault Peace Officer Placed on Deferred Probation
Aggravated Assault w/DW Reduced to a Misdemeanor
Aggravated Assault w/DW Reduced to a Misdemeanor

Drug Charge Results of Our Drug Crime Lawyers

Poss Marijuana Dismissed

Weapon Crimes, Sex Crimes, Theft, Fraud Cases & Results in Texas

Attempt to Commit Unauthorized Use of Vehicle Conditional Dismissal
Solicitation Prostitution Entered and completed the Pretrial Diversion Program and case was Dismissed
UCW (Unlawful Carrying Weapons) Dismissed
UCW Placed on Deferred Probation
UCW Dismissed
UCW Entered and completed the Pretrial Intervention Program and case was Dismissed